Consciously creating a beautiful life.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Raspberry Pancakes and an award

Eva is still sick and not back at school yet, so we decided to make a really nice breakfast.
These raspberry pancakes are absolutely delicious!

I know it is raspberries AGAIN, but for a long time those were the only frozen berries our local supermarket
had available. Now you can get a whole variety and I will hopefully remember to put something else into my
shopping basket.

But you can make the pancakes with whatever kind of berries you like :-).

Here is what you will need:

125 g (1 cup) self-raising flour
2 tablespoons castor sugar
2 eggs
185 ml (3/4 cup) milk
raspberries or any other berries (or banana, apples, pears, all sliced)

Mix the flour and the sugar together, and in a different bowl, whisk the eggs and milk until foamy.
Add the egg mix to the dry ingredients and whisk until smooth.
Let stand for 10 minutes.
Put some oil or butter into a non-stick pan and add a spoonful of the batter.
Then add some raspberries on top, turning the pancake over once the one side is done.
Add icing sugar or syrup and enjoy!

Lots of love to you!


Ps: A big big thank you to wonderful Marilyn from 4 you - with love who awarded me a


Seeing that I got one before and past it on to 5 lovely bloggers, I don't think I am allowed to do that again :-).
But there is one blog I would like to hand the award over to anyway:

It is called Bitter Lemon and it belongs to my daughter Eva. She just started it today and is soooooo proud of it!

Please visit Marilyn at 4 you - with love (what a wonderful blogtitle!) and be inspired!

She has a beautiful blog filled with crafty ideas, recipes and tutorials.

Thank you so much dear Marilyn, you made my day! :-)

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  1. mmmhhh....ich komm das nächste mal vorbei - pancakes.....I LOVE THEM!!!

    1. Gerne! Wäre so schön, Dich mal wieder zu sehen xxx

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay Eva! I hope you find much happiness and success with your blog!


  4. Yum! Breakfast is my fav meal, and I LOVE berries and pancakes. Hope Eva feels better now! Thanks for visiting my blog~

  5. Jutta, thanks for the recipe on razz pancakes. We (that really means Margret)have some variations. We dont put the berries in the batter (teig?) We cook the raspberries first,then schmere them over the pancakes (which we prefer to call crepes...sounds more french). If you happen to be in Germany, they call it pfannkuchen mit heissen himbeeren.Its truly terrific, and makes a knockout dessert for all ages. And you can enhance it with ice cream (eis?) But the eis must be vanille,preferably a good brand like the moevenpick. Like your blog. Richard from Wiesbaden

  6. hallo Richard aus Wiesbaden :-). How lovely to hear from you!!!! The raspberry hot sauce sounds delicious, will try that next time. With vanilla icecream :-).
    how are you guys? sorry to hear about Wingen, sounded like lots of work...
    hope you are enjoying some calmer times before flying again.
    big hug to you and Margret und alles Liebe
    Eure Jutta

  7. We are going back to Wingen tomorrow -Monday -. Hope, we are keeping the place until Sept. So Eva may enjoy it once more, may-be with Jannick. I'm admiring you. How do you organize your time to do this blogging? Hugs and love Margret

  8. Hallo liebe Margret! Would be wonderful to see you in Wingen once more!!! We will be in Germany from mid July til 12th of August, but i have a workshop from the 5th or 6th of August. Anytime before that would be great! At the moment it is easy doing the blog as i have gained an extra two hours every day, courtesy of puppy :-)
    drive safely, lots of love!


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