Consciously creating a beautiful life.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

The woods

We landed safely in Germany. 

It is so lovely to be back! There are clouds in the sky, and my hair has volume again :-).

Eva has been inseparable from her friend Francesca, and I got reacquainted with another old friend:



I hope that you are having a wonderful time too!

Lots of love,


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  1. Beautiful photos! How long are you there for? You just reminded me that I had a dream that I was in Africa last night!

  2. ach, liebe jutta. schön, dass ihr gut angekommen seid.und kaum bist du hier, gibts ein vorzeigedeutschlandpost mit echten steinpilzen im grünen tannenwald;)
    sei lieb gegrüßt und euch eine schöne zeit wünschend birgit
    ps. mit dir scheint das gute wetter gekommen zu sein;)

  3. That looks wonderful dear Jutta!! Gorgeous pictures, lovely mushrooms, but, is it autumn already? :-)
    Enjoy your holiday!

  4. Wow! Looks just like it should and just gorgeous! Nice contrast to here! Don't forget to look for faeries in the forest :-)

  5. It looks so beautiful! Have a great time Jutta! :)

  6. Liebe Jutta,

    ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Aufenthalt in Deutschland.
    Habt eine tolle Zeit.

    Alles Liebe


  7. looks so enchanting ... enjoy your stay, may it be full of peace and relaxation :) hugs, kirsty

  8. Willkommen zu Hause! :o) Are those your parents? They look like lovely people. And I'm jealous you got to pick mushrooms. I'd like to do that one day. Have a great time! x

  9. Oh I'm so happy for you that you are home! I've been thinking about you! Gorgeous pictures of the woods. Are those your parents? They look so sweet! What will you do with the mushrooms?

  10. It looks right out of a fairy tale! Have the most wonderful time you can, every minute!~ Maureen


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