Consciously creating a beautiful life.

Friday 13 July 2012

Bits and pieces

Some things we did this week:

We went to visit Buddha's and Kini's grave. It was just getting dark, and it is such a beautiful and peaceful spot.
Real magic:



Eva and I also decided to do something different for lunch. We bought sushi and ate it right there in front of the shop
(there isn't really any nice park-like space nearby, and we were very hungry):

Mom, what can we dooooo?

So we went to the Craft Center, a former brewery that is now filled with lots of stalls selling curios and handmade stuff. Always nice to get ideas:

Winter evenings:

Have a beautiful day my dear friends!



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  1. Wow! I love the photos especially the ones of your daughter in the shop.

  2. As always, awesome photography Jutta! I love that twisty tree...what is it? That spot does look magical!

  3. L♥vely!
    Big hug and kisses lovely Jutta!

  4. Another lovely glimpse into your life. My favorite, the two of you snuggled up with the doggies. What a great moment.

  5. bei euch spürt man schon urlaubsstimmung - inklusive langeweile (wie schön...)und eure winterabende sind unsere sommerabende...
    herzlichst birgit

  6. Great photos! I love that second photo, very interesting tree. The craft center looks like a fun place to visit!

  7. what fun candid photos! I've never had sushi...hope to try vegetarian sushi someday. Winter snuggling looks cozy~ have a nice weekend.


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